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Osstem Italia SRL

물류 담당자

Osstem Italia SRL

● Job Description:

Osstem Italia SRL is currently seeking a Logistics/Warehouse Coordinator to join our team. As a leader in dental implant sales worldwide, we are looking for an experienced individual who wants to contribute to our growing team.

● Requirements:

-이탈리아내 취업 가능 체류증 보유 혹은 그에 준하는 자격이 있으신 분
-고등학교 졸업자
-즉시 근무 가능하신 분
-최소 3년 이상 물류 분야 경력 우대
-협업을 위한 영어 커뮤니케이션 가능하신 분
-한국어 (상), 이탈리아 (중) 구사 가능하신 분
-MS Office 활용 능력 우수한 분
-서로 다른 직군과의 의사소통과 협업에 원활한 분

● Responsibilities include:

Receiving and inspecting products.
Managing warehouse inventory.
Coordinating product registration.
Shipping of products.
Optimizing logistics process.
Assisting other departments as needed.
Fulfilling additional duties assigned by management.

● 연락처:
Emali :
Mobile : +39 0238247387

*Compensation will be based on skills and experience.
The offer is aimed at all genders in compliance with the rules on equal treatment, pursuant to Legislative Decree 198/2006. Regarding the processing of personal data, we invite you to read the information provided pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and art. 13 of the GDPR 2016/679.

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